Histopatología Digital

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Digitization and cooperation, your new tools

The histopathology is mainly a manual process. This requieres preparation of the slide by fixing it, followed by the staining of specific cells and tissue markers and finally, the visual inspection of the pathologist.

As technology goes on evoluting, the technological companies are looking for developing solutions to automatize this intensive and time consuming process. The automation may help to change the field of pathology mainly qualitative to a quantitative evaluation to avoid human biases and to allow to have precise and reproducible data from the slide.

The digitization of the slide through images of the complete slide (WSI) represents a great step towards this automation.

The specialists around the world can send digital slides in minutes and exam the whole slide instead of depending on that the person who sends it chooses a representative section. Besides, you can take advantage of the new tools of analysis (both basic and artificial intelligence based) that help the histopathologist to have and extra vision of the study case. 

In this section you can observe and surf through a series of digital images which will allow you to know this great tool. If you have any questions or want to take advantage of our service of samples digitalization, do no hesitate to contact us.



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Red blood cells 

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